Innovation and




Our approach always guides us towards innovative solutions.

Superevo have been producing revolutionary upholstery materials and structures since 2012. We offer a complete bespoke service including everything from the design and development of the structure to the padding and plain fabric finish.


We follow the path of sustainability.

Amongst the 17 objectives in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we find goal number 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”.

At Superevo® we are firm believers in the rules of sustainable innovation. We are convinced that sustainability doesn’t only have a positive effect on the environment but also creates a more competitive enterprise. There is no tomorrow without sustainability, or rather, without sustainability there is not even a today!

At Superevo® we chose the road of sustainability quite some time ago, studying various innovative solutions with the objective of continuously improving our green agenda.

This is the reason why we study the life cycle of our products and processes by applying the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, internationally recognized by the ISO 14044-44 standards. Thanks to the LCA we analyse the environmental footprint of our products “from cradle to grave”, or rather from the raw materials to the final disposal at the end of the product’s life, thus analysing the strengths and weaknesses throughout the supply chain, giving us the possibility to search for innovative solutions for continuous improvement.

The revolution
of design

No Limits creativity.

Polimex® is a composite material ideal for creating supporting structures for soft furnishings. It is comprised mainly of polystyrene with a minor percentage of polyurethane which improves the structural integrity of our product. Compared to traditional soft furnishings, those created with a Polimex® core are lighter, can be formed into complex shapes and do not require any upfront investment, as well as being eco-sustainable and quick to produce.


Reduced lead time

Customising & Comfort

with reduced costs of machinery



The goal of our SuperMag is to select articles, topics and facts that are most important to us. If on the one hand we want to update you with our progress on the company’s eco-sustainable future, on the other we want to be promoters of virtuous activities born around us.

Superevo adopts its CODE OF ETHICS

  Superevo s.r.l. benefit company is a company that has been producing revolutionary upholstery and furniture complements since 2012. The company’s daily commitment […]

Superevo is on

“Lightweight, moldable and modular, eco-sustainable, smart, customizable and adaptable to the user’s wellness needs. This is how the sofa of the future is […]